The Sweet Things in Life

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Laundry queen

Every once in a while, I tell Lydia to do the laundry on her own. She really enjoys laundry (NOT) but as I have told her, she might as well grunt & get over it! Laundry is something that we all have to do no matter how much we like dislike it. A few weeks ago, I told Lydia to do the laundry. When the washer went off Layton almost tripped Lydia to get to it. She wanted to do the laundry too! Lydia did not fight her on this! When I looked into the laundry room to see them at work, I saw this…
True definition of teamwork! Layton got into the washer, handed Lydia the clothes and Lydia put them into the dryer! I was amazed that Layton had it figured out beforehand. Apparently, she had thought about it. I tried VERY hard not to think about Layton's dirty feet on the clean clothes, instead I took advantage of the help!  
Layton has become my little laundry queen. I am a huge procrastinator with the laundry, always have been. I will wash & dry quickly but then let the clothes sit there for a few days without folding & putting up. I would rather do anything else in the world, other than laundry. This is a bad thing because my husband is the exact same way! He, like me, will wash & dry but that's it! Recently as soon as Layton hears the dryer ding, she's on me to go with her to get them out, fold them, put them up! And amazingly, I have  kept my laundry up! How is it that I can fixed two dinners in one night, vacuum the house, clean out car, etc all in one night and feel like I haven't accomplished much but when my laundry is all done feel like Superwoman?!

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