The Sweet Things in Life

Friday, June 17, 2011

To the best daddy ever!

Since my girls are not old enough to write how they feel about their dad on here, I will write about how thankful I am that they have such a wonderful dad! One of my biggest attractions to Dave was that I thought he would be a great father and that is so true.

I remember the night I told him I was pregnant with Lydia he cried like a baby. During my pregnancy with Lydia I never got sick, he did. He even gained a little weight with me! From the minute she was born, he has been so protective. After she was born, he asked the nurses if they had to be so rough with her! I remember when we got home on several occasions he would tell me that I was not holding her right. At the time I wondered if he was crazy, now I know he it was just love!

Two and a half years ago, he opened an early Christmas present and found out he would be a daddy again! He was ecstatic. Again he was sick occasionally during my pregnancy. My water broke in the middle of the night with Layton, when I woke him, he jumped up running around a hundred miles an hour which is almost the speed we did going to the hospital. When we arrived at the hospital, he brought me a wheel chair and RAN me through the parking lot, in the wheel chair, over speed bumps and curbs. He was a little nervous! I remember him saying after she was born that he didn’t think he could love someone as much as he loved Lydia but he does. He went down to the nursery and watched them give her a bath and started knocking on the window because they were so rough with her. I was told that the nurses just looked at him like he was crazy!

He and Lydia after she fell when she was little. She scraped her nose and he was loving on her!

He and Lydia acting silly!

He and Lydia before they went on a date one night.

He and Lydia last year during the Sugarland concert. He held her on his shoulders the whole time so that she could see over the crowd. It was at least 100 degrees outside. I think they were both delirious at this point!

One of their favorite things to do together. These two are both like fish!

Coaching a team of 4-6 year old little girls! I promise not every man could do this but he does and loves it!

We had to take Layton to the doctor late one night. She was so fussy because she didn't feel good. This is when he is at his best, he can always make them smile!

He and Layton at out Fall Festival at church last year.

Daddy and his girls! I love that Lydia has her hand on his face, so sweet.

I feel so proud that he is their daddy. I know they will look back some day and realize how blessed they really are. So here is to you daddy…for being YOU! We love you very much!

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful to have such a wonderful father for your girls and what a sweet tribute to him!
