The Sweet Things in Life

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I feel Jesus in my heart!

Since Lydia will be starting school in the fall, she has to get screened for kindergarten. She should know her address, phone number, etc… So over the last year we have been working on all her ‘school stuff’ as we call it. We go Thursday for her appointment. Last night as I was bathing her I was asking her all kind of questions and she was answering. I asked her where her heart was and she point to the middle of her chest. I don’t think she knew a specific location so I took her hand and placed it where her heart is. All of the sudden she said Momma do you feel that. I assumed she was going to say something about her heart beating, but no. She said I feel Jesus in my heart, right here. She took my hand and placed it on her heart. I smiled and hugged her. It was definitely one of those proud mommy moments!

1 comment:

  1. That gave me chill bumps! You never know what they comprehend when we are telling them about Jesus! That just shows that all of your work had paid off! You should be proud!
