Anyone who know Lydia knows that she has funny sleep habits. As a baby she didn't sleep in her crib much, she sleep in our extra bed. At 18 months we bought her a twin bed. She still has her twin bed but she often gets up in the middle of the night and comes and gets in our bed or somewhere else. She trys to sneak in our bed without us us knowing. Some nights I don't have the heart to tell her to go back to her bed but others I tell her to go back to her bed. Generally I let her sleep with us 1 or 2 nights a week. For about the last 6 months she has been getting up and getting on the couch or Dave's recliner or my rocking chair. You never know where we are going to find her in the morning. We have asked her a million times what is wrong with her bed, she just says it's lumpy.
I think if it was up to Dave he would let her sleep with us everynight. She use to come into our room and ask me to get in our bed, I would say no (most of the time) and then she would go back to her bed. Then she started trying to sneak in our bed, I would tell her to go back to her bed. Now she comes in there and asks daddy to get in the bed. At first he always tells her no then he gives in. We put her to bed between 8:30 and 9. Most of the time by 10 she has been up to get a drink, ask for something to eat, or tell us something VERY important. This past Sunday night she came running in our room like someone was chasing her. Then she asked if we fed the fish. When I was pregnant she would hear me up in the middle of the night and come in there and just start talking. Sometimes we would just talk other nights I would tell her to go back to bed.
As a mother it is comforting to roll over and see my sleeping beauty but I have to admit it is not very comfortable! Not to mention, it is MY BED! That is the only time I feel like no one is crawling all over me, jumping on me or just simply touching me!! Some say she will grow out of it and others say it is the worse sin ever to let her sleep with us. I am okay with letting her sleeping with us a couple nights a week but daddy says she can sleep with us as long as she wants! Below is how the arrangment went last night! Dave and I were laying in the bed talking, enjoying each other's conversation. At 11:00 we hear Lydia's feet coming for our room.
Lydia: "Daddy can I get in your bed?"
Dave: "No, go back to your bed."
Lydia: "just for a little while, pleazze"
Dave: (after a long pause) "Ok, come on."
Lydia: "Can I sleep with you tomorrow night too?"
Dave: "Yeah baby."
Most of the time I just lay there silent. I can remember sleeping with my grandparents as a child and feeling so warm and cozy. Even though my granddaddy snored louder than thunder, I still slept so good. So I know when she sleeps with us, she is happy and content and comfortable. And that makes me happy and content and comfortable. :)