The Sweet Things in Life

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Lydia's wish

The other night we went to eat at a restaurant that had a fountain. As we were leaving Lydia asked for a coin so that she could toss it in the fountain. Of course I gave her one but I told her to make a wish first. As we were walking outside, she asked me if it would be alright if she told me her wish. I told her yes and she said that she wished that her Polly Pockets could talk to her.
If you know Lydia you know that she LOVES her Polly Pocket’s. She has played with her them since she was a little girl. She loves them. She sleeps with them, dresses and undresses them, talks to them and just plays with them constantly. There is never a time when we don’t leave the house that she doesn’t have some sort of bag with Polly Pocket’s in it. They all have names and jobs! They all have a story behind them and she tells us about them constantly. She has all different kinds, boys, girls, princesses. Some have real hair, some have magnetic clothes and some heads and arms pop off so that you can change them out with others. She loves them equally. But I guess she just wishes they could talk!
I thought about her wish all night that night and have thought about it several times since. Every time I think about it, it makes me smile. She is so innocent. I love watching her grow up and experience new things with her but I hate that as she grows she will lose the innocence that she has right now.

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