*Note* A week after she turned 8 months old, she started saying da-da! Dave was a wee bit proud!!
Layton was 8 months old earlier this week.
*She has started to show more of her personality this month. When she is happy, she is all smiles & giggles. When she is mad, she is straight as a board and strong as an ox! She makes this mean face, straightens her arms out and grits her gums. It is hilarious. When we laugh she will laugh too. She doesn't know whether to be mad or happy!
*She started waving bye-bye and saying a sound that sounds like "bye".
*Her seperation anxiety seems to be going away. (maybe)
*She is always gibber-gabbering, making sounds. She is sooo happy in the morning on the way to Miss Darlene's. She laughs the whole way.
*She is still toothless!
*She has started playing pee-pie with us.
*She has started the 'army crawl'. She pulls her whole body across the floor with her arms. She is pretty fast at it! She has crawled backwards several time but I guess she realizes that she can go faster with the 'army crawl'!