The Sweet Things in Life
Friday, March 25, 2011
"Lydia, why won't you answer the phone?"
Lydia received her first phone call yesterday afternoon from one of her friends. The little girl left 3 messages on our machine. Apparently she gets home much earlier than we do! Her messages were so funny. She spelled her name and each time she would ask where Lydia was and why wouldn’t she answer the phone! After listening to all 3 messages, which took at least 10 minutes, Lydia asked to call her back. I don’t think she really understood what it meant to call a friend and talk. I told her to take the phone in her room so that they could hear each other and she could pay attention. I could hear her back there, “yes”, “no”. She didn’t have much to say. I remembered all those times growing up talking on the phone to my friends. My friends and I lived on the phone. I can remember staying by the phone, waiting on it to ring! I have a feeling in several years, her short answering will change and we will have to beg her to get off!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Winter 2011
Layton 19 mths

This is my baby! This picture is perfect for this stage in her life. She is always a mess and always into something she shouldn’t be into and climbing is a daily thing for her. When I hear her counting (2…3…), I know she is about to jump off something. Most days I can’t keep up with her. Every night when I lie down, I thank God that she didn’t get hurt from her adventures of the day. Here are some fun stories/things I want to remember about her at this age:
1. She has a big girl bed now! She started climbing out of her crib last week. She hasn’t stayed in her bed all night yet, but hopefully… Lydia has been asking since the day she was born could Layton sleep with her. Last night Lydia’s dream finally came true! They slept together all night. My heart was full this morning when I went in to wake them. I think it is so sweet, sisters sleeping together!
2. Two weeks ago I was preparing dinner and heard Layton counting “2…3…”, by the time I got into our living room she had already jumped off the couch and hit the floor. She fell face first. Her eye immediately turned black. She has been sporting her shiner for 2 weeks now!
3. When we got home one day last week, both girls went to Lydia’s room to play…or so I thought. All of the sudden I heard the water turn on in the bathroom. I ran back there to see Layton, clothed and wet! She had climbed from the potty, to the vanity, then in the sink!
4. She sings “Jesus loves Me” and her “ABCs” but only we can understand!
5. She has started saying “love you Mama”.
6. She is a daddy’s girl. She gets upset when he leaves and if he leaves she asks about him a million times. She says the word daddy so sweet.
7. She has started using the potty occasionally.
8. Last week when I picked them up from Mawmaw’s, Lydia had a slushie thing she was eating. She brought it home and set it down once we got home. I went straight in and changed clothes because we had to go to the ballfield. I knew Layton was into something because she was very quiet. When I went to find her she had gotten the slushie and was eating it. I let her finish but her face was stained! I realized that it wasn’t going to wash off, it had to wear off. So off we went to the ballfield with her face stained and a black eye!
9. She has recently started throwing tantrums. Oh how I have not missed the toddler tantrum days!!!!
I love seeing her personality develop, even the bad parts. I love watching her grow. I love seeing her learn new things. I love watching her watch Lydia and make every move she makes. And most of all I LOVE HER!!

Basketball 2011
Anyone who knows my Lydia, knows she likes to have a good time. I really wasn’t sure if I wanted to sign her up because she didn’t really get into it much last year but through lots of persuasion for her and her daddy, I signed her up with a local church. They were participating in a program called Upward. I am so glad I did. She learned so much more about the game as well as lots of Christian values. She had to memorize a bible verse every week. If she memorized it, she would receive a star to go on her shirt. At the beginning of the season, she has so much anxiety about memorizing the verses, some were short but most of were long. I remember at one practice she didn’t even want to go in because she didn’t have EVERY word correct but after talking her into it, she finally decided to go in and try. She went in with much anxiety but came out with a newfound spirit. She said her verse correctly and received her star! She was ecstatic and I was one proud mama! She also met lots of new friends which is always fun for her.

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